Do you need Power Flushing and live in Aylesford or the surrounding area?
Call us now on Freephone 0800 920 2030 - 24 hour Emergency Helpline
Reducing energy bills and the risk of boiler breakdowns in Aylesford
Is your radiator cold at the bottom? Perhaps you have a noisy boiler? Extend the life of your
boiler and heating system with EVO Plumbing and Heating Services, covering Aylesford. Not only
will power flushing help to keep heating bills down, it also reduces the risk of breakdowns by removing magnetite - a sludge-like substance that is made up on dirt, mites and corroded metals.
What is power flushing?
Power flushing is the specialist process of forcibly cleansing a heating system with water. Whilst
it sounds quite simple, the water must be applied at high-velocity and low-pressure so that no
physical damage is caused to the system. The purpose of power flushing is to restore systems to
optimum operation; improving overall circulation and resolving boiler noise issues.